Application form for regular member of International Sheriff Association (Consent to establishment)

Hello Dear
We are the committee responsible for preparing for the establishment of the International Sheriff Association.

We intend to promote the establishment of the (tentative name) Korea Sheriff Association” to prepare for the eradication of illegal shooting camera crimes that increase every year.

We would like to invite you to become a full member of our association.
Please refer to the band registration and application form below.

If you have any additional questions
Please let me know by e-mail (TMVLEM@GMAIL.COM)

Best Regards and thanks

Band address:

Application form:

Application form for regular member of International Sheriff Association (Consent to establishment)”의 2개의 생각

  1. 안녕하세요?
    저희는 (사)국제보안관협회 창설 준비를 책임지고 있는 위원회입니다.
    우리는 매년 증가하는 불법촬영카메라 범죄 근절 대비를 위한 (가칭)사단법인 한국보안관협회” 발족을 추진하고자 합니다.

    우리는 단신을 우리 협회의 정회원으로 초대하고자 합니다.
    아래 밴드 가입과 가입신청서를 참조해주세요

    궁금하신 사항이 있으시면 저의 메일로 알려 주세요 (TMVLEM@GMAIL.COM)

    Band 주소 :
    가입신청서 :


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